Monday, March 1, 2010

Memo To British Columbians

checkpleaseImage by dharma communications via Flickr
Dudes, thanks for an awesome party. Sorry 'bout that Georgian sled guy, but Rogge and that Vanoc guy promised that his name would never be forgotten. Lets face it, it was a rough start, but no one remembers his name now. Do you?

The main thing is that our country and our athletes did well and that our Prime Minister manged to do everything he could to associate himself with the success of others while taking us on a collective vacation from the facade of democracy. Ahhh 1936, so many memories.

Thanks again for a great party, but I gotta run, cos it looks like the waiter is headed to your table with a very large and stupidly unexpected tab. Maybe I can duck out the back door like Mr. Harper.

Greg Stock
Head Of The Toronto 2000andNeverCommittee

In Memory Of  Nodar Kumaritashvili  

My deepest sympathies to the family of a young man who lost his life too soon, lest we forget.