Her formula is as simple as it is infantile. Piss off everybody, while leaving a shred of the tried and true "I was only joking, and why are you all so uptight? " defense in every utterance.
While I may be a bleeding heart, I am also intelligent enough to recognise that Ms. Coulter and her odious and divisive brand of shameless self promotion in no way reflects the opinion of those who support our current prime minister. Seriously, some of my best friends vote Conservative.
Ms. Coulter's views are clearly unCanadian, from her assertion that Jews are unperfected Christians, that women shouldn't be allowed to vote, and that Muslim countries should be carpetbombed. As offensive as Ms. Coulter may be, her brilliance should not go unnoticed.
She has made a career out of manipulating every outrageous situation she ever created for her own personal benefit, and she just pulled it off again.
She made some purposely racist comment ("I was just joking") in regards to question about a remark she made several years earlier when she proposed that Muslim people should not be allowed to fly and if they didn't like it "they should take a magic carpet".
A few days ago a Muslim student at The University Of Western Ontario asked Ms. Coulter what she should do, given that she did not own a magic carpet. Ms. Coulter replied that she should "take a camel".
And, the game was on.
Ms Coulter immediately claimed that she wanted to give a thoughtful answer, but she was being heckled, so the best she was able to come up with was a quip. After all she's just a girl who by her own admission is too stupid to risk enfranchising with the vote, yet alone taking responsibility for her own past stupidity, and "why is everyone against me, I'm just a girl?".
The outraged left falls into the trap by issuing a warning to Ms. Coulter about Canadian Hate Speech Law, that prohibits inciting hatred against identifiable groups. This outrages Ms. Coulter, because she makes her money by inciting hatred against identifiable groups. I figure that if you want to bust someone for committing a crime, the last thing you do is give them advance notice.
Like a true reptilian, she counters with the absurd threat that the letter she received constitutes an act of hate against an identifiable group: psychopathic douchebags who enjoy enflaming the stupid.
To top things off, the trademark Offended And Outraged Group International had to show up and force Ms. Coulter to cancel her dark circus in Ottawa.
Point, Ms. Coulter.
Now she gets to go back to US network television and claim that she had to flee Canada in the face of violent protest that forced her to cancel her speech under the threat of arrest by the Canadian government.
Way to take the bait, you reactionary idiots. I say let the woman talk, her stupidity speaks for itself.