While I am agonised by my own typos, "I forgive those who typo against me". I know what you mean, it was an accident and who really cares?
But grammatical stupidity is a different matter, and here are the two things that irritate me no end.
The first is the inability to use a contraction properly. Would've is a contraction of two words, would and have. Ditto for could and have, and an encore for should and have. But if I see another post that says "would of" when they mean would've, I am going to scream.
My second peeve is the use of the word unique. By definition it means that there is nothing like it. Unique means one of a kind. Therefore words like very, quite, and (gasp) totally should never be placed in front of unique. However, there are a few allowable negative adjectives like almost.
My advice is that if you want to use the word unique, just leave it alone and let it stand by itself.
Class dismissed, and here is a salutation that spellcheck won't catch.
Good buy, I would of gone on longer, but I felt this post was very unique.