Monday, March 8, 2010

We're All Canadians

During the 2010 Winter Olympics, some multinational Canadian coffee chain was running a commercial that depicted a black man contacting and meeting his family as they arrived at an unidentified Canadian airport.

The message seemed to be that he had come here with nothing, was starting a life and had established himself to an extent that his family was now able to join him.

One Saturday night this commercial ran with the volume on in the bar that I work in. It caused one patron to mutter derisively, "yeah, you come to this country and get everything for free". The thing that made me laugh and cry at the same time, was that these words were uttered with a thick English accent.

I don't mean to point fingers at English immigrants. I've heard the same garbage from Greek, Irish, Italian people and members of pretty much every other white skinned nation that you can name.

I used to work with a gay racist bartender, and it always made me shake my head. How can you be a member of a minority, and hate minorities?

A few years back, The Toronto Star conducted a major study that showed that immigrants commit fewer crimes, access welfare to a lesser degree and create more jobs than the average Canadian per capita.

Many people fail to understand the real reason that we have immigration in this country. The basic fact is that we don't fuck enough, so we have to import people from foreign countries to contribute to future growth so that we may maintain the health of our long term obligations, such as our Canada Pension Plan.

Apparently, foreigners like screwing more than we do, and judging from the pasty and aging Brit douchebag and fellow citizen who decried our immigration policy in the face of this commercial, I'm not the least bit surprised that this country is incapable of having enough sex to sustain itself.

Lets face it, hate is a big turnoff.