While I will freely admit to not being an expert on the dynamics of electrical power, I do know a few things, the first of which is that the cost of storing electricity is prohibitive. The second of which is that it takes a huge amount of power to shut down a hydroelectric or nuclear power station.
To simplify, unused electricity is not "saved" , it disappears, unless you have a medium like a battery in which to store it.
So for all you folks out there who think that Earth Hour is anything more than a vain exercise that is more attuned to making a spoiled community in the developed western world feel good about themseleves, think again.
The cost of storing electricity is prohibitive, which is one reason why we are not all driving electric cars, among others.
Time and again, you will be told how consumption dropped during Earth Hour. The thing you will not be told, is that the production of power stayed exactly the same, and that while you were walking around in your feelgood candlelight, your local nuclear plant or hydroelectric dam was producing the exact same amount of power, regardless of whether you were using or not.
Don't let me burst your bubble, symbolism is important, and if you want to turn your lights out so that you may feel better about the environmental degradation that we commit every other hour of our lives throughout the year, then go right ahead.
Just don't dare look me in the eye and tell me that you are making a difference. Because you're not.
The exact same amount of power is going to be produced during Earth Hour, whether you consume it or not.
By all means, enjoy your pointless circle jerk in the dark, but keep in mind that the only thing you're really doing is lowering your hydro bill by a penny or two.
Truly, Earth Hour is little more than living proof that perception beats reality every time.
Bread and circuses, indeed.