My lack of specificity destroys even a modest hope of success, and I have come to terms with that. On the upside, I have learned a lot about the art of social networking, and have built a little system of sorts.
First, I have a website. This website is fairly sparse, except that it acts as a hub for displaying anything that I have posted at any of my five active blogs and also displays anything that I tweet. It is also the marquee for my brand, But this is really just the storefront, the actual meat is in the five blogs.
When I post a blog, it is automatically reposted on my facebook page. I then use my account to post to my twitter account. Using allows me to post to twitter, while taking advantage of two things that offers. First is the ability to shorten URL's so that I have more room to tweet, the second is that allows me to see how many hits my tweet is getting and where those hits are coming from.
I have also tied in my myspace account so that any tweets are reflected in my status on myspace. Its a pretty clever system if I do say so myself.
I post a blog, and then use to tweet about it. Through these two acts I update my blog, my website, facebook, myspace and twitter.
Now if only my content was niche enough to have some success. Oh well........ live and learn