She is one of the finest people I know, and I was both shocked and shattered when told of this violent incident. I was also stunned that this kind of unprovoked attack took place in my beloved neighbourhood.
I know a few people in the hood and I knew who this punk was. I put the word out to some people, but it was another friend who singlehandedly nailed this scumbag in cooperation with the Toronto Police Service. And make no mistake, the police did fine work....eventually.
And now we have two more rogues wandering the street unabated.
Rogue the first loves to steal bicycles, break into cars, steal cellphones from patio patrons. Like some weird urban aardvark, his snout scans my neighbourhood relentlessly. He is known as "Timmy", but his real name is Tim Shields.
According to one officer, petty crime is through the roof in my hood. If this is the case, ya might want to talk to Timmy.
On a more disturbing level is the dude who is getting his jollies by spitting in the face of young women. He also seems to enjoy threatening brown skinned people. Truly he is disturbed, and I deeply fear what he may do.
On my street?
In my community?
I don't think so.
It is time to have the camera at the ready, talk to the cops, and let them know that we do not want these two criminals allowed to disregard the law with impunity in our neighbourhood.
A community involves participation, and if the citizenry is so disengaged with their neighbours then we don't really have a community.
I can get a picture of Timmy, no problem.
What I need is a pic of the freak who is spitting on and threatening women and minorities. Apparently he is a skinny little F**K, partial to halter tops and womens jeans. If you get a pic, send it. I will be more than happy to pass it along.
We all need to take responsibility for the quality of the community in which we live and if we don't, the lowest common denominator will dominate.
While I can't yet get Spitter Guy, I can get "Timmy".
It is not solely the task of government to protect the safety of the streets in our community. The job belongs to all who dwell within, in unison with the cops.
I say we all work together.
Anyone with me?