I'm a man who enjoys a simple life. I work part time in a local bar for a lovely lady. I live in a small apartment, I keep my financial commitments to a minimum and I try and put a little away each week so that I can pursue my dream of traveling to far off places.
My usual schedule is three shifts per week, and Saturday night is always a solid moneymaker. But not tonight. Tonight I saw the incompetence of a fat bloated system in action.
At 6:45 pm, a worker from the city came in and told us that the water in our bar was going to be shut down from 7:30 pm until 11:30 pm .
I mentioned that there is a law requiring 24 hours notice. I was told that there was an emergency. I understand emergencies, but this smells to high hell.
You see, I live on the same street, a five minute walk from my place of employment and on Tuesday I received a notice in my mail box that my water would be shut off on Thursday, August 12th, coincidentally for four hours.
I have watched the crew move down the street, towards my place of employment. There was no emergency, but several bars and restaurants were forced to close. On The Danforth. In the middle of summer. On a Saturday night.
The last time this happened, the health inspectors followed, and shut down everyone who stayed open. No water, no business.
But the most laughable thing of all was the fact that we were forced to close, and the water was never actually shut off. And we are not the only ones.
The high end joint across the street cancelled thirty five reservations. Our sales were 25% of what they were the previous Saturday.
Personally, I lost a solid Saturday night shift, or about 40%. of my average weekly income.
And for what? Nothing.
One worker on site expressed surprise, commenting that this work could be done overnight.
In my opinion the city owes me for lost wages and should compensate every business that was forced to close in this false debacle
With the city conducting its affairs with this level of competence, it is not difficult to understand why Mr. Ford is leading in the polls.