If you ask people in Canada about what our national sport is most would answer "hockey", and they would be wrong. Some smartypants would chime in "lacrosse" and they would be correct, but only partially.
The real national sport of Canada is neither. It is not the nobility of Paul Henderson propelling us over the hated communists in 1972, nor the historic significance of our First Nations engaging in a sport that is uniquely North American.
No, Canadians are not capable of holding such high aspirations, no matter what our government may tell us. Our real national sport only serves to reveal to ourselves that as a nation we are a small minded and petty group of people, the poor cousin to Jerry Springers' America.
The true national sport of Canada, the activity that binds most of us from sea to shining sea is not an actual sport, but a stupid activity employed by toothless and inbred morons who seem to make up most of the population outside the GTA.
In short, the true national sport of this egotistical and spoiled country is "Hating Toronto". It seems that even the syphillis ridden marketing department at whatever foreign owned brewery is currently ramming Coors Light down our throats is now playing this game.
The thing that they seem to forget is that there are people like me in this world. Alberta born, BC raised, and currently living and working in Toronto as a bartender.
Whats that? You want a Coors Light? Sorry but we're all sold out. Hows that for cold, you morons.