This is the day that the full schedule is released and the Official Program book is released. It is also the day that the vast majority of Torontonians rush (for the 34th consecutive year) to our ticketing office to try and buy packages that have been on sale since early July, and are now sold out.
I'm going to post here some advice to the individual seeking single tickets or access to high profile events as we move forward, but here are some basic principles.
You can always "Rush" shows.
Rush is like flying standby. I have two basic strategies for rushing a film. The first is "if its a big venue, I have a greater chance to get in" . I use this when I want to see a specific film. RTH, Elgin and Ryerson are the three largest screening rooms at the festival, and therefore the chance of getting in is larger because of the size of the house. However keep in mind that many of the screenings at these venues are premium priced. Know before you go!
My second strategy is to fly by the seat of your pants. Find a timeframe that works for you that combines with a flurry of screenings on the schedule at a single location You need to have some sense of adventure, but flexibility is key to enjoying the festival.
My basic message is to chill, y'all. If you want to get into a film badly enough, you will, but I seriously favour looking for the smaller films and day screenings. After all my years at the festival the two films I remember most are films you have likely never heard of.
Also for those on a budget, there are a lot of free events happening. I will be posting about this next!