- Main Entry: 1jour·ney
- Pronunciation: \ˈjər-nē\
- Function: noun
- Inflected Form(s): plural journeys
- Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French jurnee day, day's journey, from jur day, from Late Latin diurnum, from Latin, neuter of diurnus
- Date: 13th century
1 : an act or instance of traveling from one place to another : trip
2 chiefly dialect : a day's travel
3 : something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another
While we may not always recognise it we are all on a journey. I believe that the more we can look at our life as a journey (whether we are traveling or not), the more open we will be to the wonderful experiences that beckon all of us each and every day.
His website is down at the time of this writing. The film is about five minutes long. Do yourself a favour and enjoy this beautiful piece of travelart, thanks to The Smasher for making me aware of this film and thanks to Christoph Rehage for creating this inspiring work.