Dear Rogers Cable,
I wish to cancel my account. While I enjoy paying ever more money for increasingly banal content, I am even more impressed that some of the content that I used to get for the $128 I have faithfully given you each month for over a decade has been moved to yet another new channel, none other than a channel owned by yourselves.
But that is just greed, and I can understand greed and your appalling and naked greed alone is not enough to get me off my ass to cancel your service.However, when predatorial greed is combined with breathtaking incompetence and appalling apathy sandwhiched between concentric circles of outright bullshit it gives me pause to consider whether it is wise for me to do business with an organisation that embodies a depth of contempt for its clients that dwells as deep as your own.
I submit to this kangaroo court the following.
To wit, Rogers Cable corporation has treated this loyal customer in an incompetent and egregious manner.
On Friday, July 29th,2011 I awoke to find myself without cable
On Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011 a gentleman came to repair the cable. At that time another gentleman emerged from the apartment building next door. He is a representative of the owner of said building.. I am a tenant in the next building.
To my utter shock, he tells me that he had my
legal and fully paid connection arbitrarily cut by one of your representatives because my television and internet is connected to a hub on his property, which it is.
I repeat to the court
A representative of Rogers Cable came and cut my account with full intent to do so.
Now, I'm just a simple bartender who don't know much about your legalities and stuff, all I know is that I pay my bill and I expect service, and I don't give a rats ass about where Rogers chooses to locate its infrastructure.
After much drama between the neighbour and myself, the cable was reconnected, with a one week deadline to move the hub, or be disconnected again.
So I called Rogers and we booked an appointment for August 6th forgetting that the street would be closed due to The Taste Of The Danforth. Now I'll freely admit to being an idiot and forgetting the date, but it is a tad frightening to realise that the people who book service calls at Rogers are as stupid as I am.
So we rescheduled, and I had an opportunity to speak frankly with a dispatcher who had the unfortunate ability to making me believe he really, really cared. I explained the scope of the problem, the concept of property rights, and the fact that I don't own either of these properties, anymore than I own The Rogers equipment installed on the building next to me and that I do have a landlord next door that is maliciously using your minions to destroy your equipment.
I was reassured that a top level person who could take action would be dispatched to help me avoid playing a starring role in a b level version of Pacific Heights. The dispatcher sounded so committed that I half expected James Bond in a tuxedo to be lowered by chopper into the courtyard.
But it was not to be. It was just another failed ESL student who had the temerity to answer a cell phone call in the middle of our "exchange" (excuse me, I don't understand) while reaffirming Rogers commitment to doing nothing
In summation, I must give some credit to your employee who wrongly cut my cable. Clearly, he is the only person on the payroll who is willing to take any action, and I'm sure that he will be fastracked to the VP level any day now.
And to the good folks who call the shots at Rogers, if you have a moment to spare, why don't you go fuck yourselves? Surely it will be cheaper than providing customer service.
The Plaintiff rests.