Monday, July 18, 2011

The Toronto Sun Gives Hate A Chance

I've been closely following the epic political scandal that is engulfing Britain, and so should you, if only because its vastness and implications would make the The Bard drool. While it may be easy to guffaw from afar, could we please not allow our very Canadian propensity for smugness to overwhelm?

I submit to the court, an entity known as Quebecor, a massive media conglomerate that owns a great many right leaning publications spanning the country, including The Sun chain of tabloids. Recently they were granted a licence to broadcast on my cable package in a lame and odious entity imaginatively dubbed "Sun TV".

Your Hounour, and Ladies and Gentlemen of The Jury, and to my fellow Citizens in the gallery, I submit exhibit "A".

It is an article that appeared in Toronto Sun, and it is about a heinous crime.

I do not question the merit of the article, but I am deeply offended by the tone of the comments and even more anguished that the bright minds at Quebecor have now permitted the comment board at the Toronto Sun to be a repository for open hatred.

Look at the first comment, which has now been languishing for more than a day. "Muslims are evil". Then look at the others.

Now I know that it is difficult to stop idiots posting stupidity on a comment board, but I'm just a blogger, not a major media outlet. One would think that a major media outlet like The Toronto Sun would have some policy about openly disseminating hatred on their comment board given that it is against the law.

In addition, the entire Sun chain withdrew from The Ontario Press Council last week, (an oversight body of Ontario print media) citing too much "political correctness" as a reason.

Sure, laugh at Rupert Murdoch, but don't be smug, and if we are not vigilant this contagion will morph into influence.

The fact that The Toronto Sun allows this garbage to fester  unfettered implies tacit approval for the hatred of Muslim  people.

I cannot begin to quantify how deeply offensive that is to me as a Canadian.

The turtle water continues to warm, and it warms for thee.

The defense rests.