Sunday, May 30, 2010

The World Cup In Africa

While South Africa may be hosting The World Cup, make no mistake, this event is the defining moment of a continent. This is not just about South Africa, this is about Africa.

About thirteen months ago, I spent a few seconds in one African country. The billboards around me all touted the World Cup, even though I knew that most of the eyeballs on those billboards could not afford to go even consider going to a game, anymore than I could afford platinum seats to a Leaf game.

I watch a lot of sports, but for me, this event has more depth. It is a moment in history, whereby we consider the inclusion of our fellow human beings on the same level that we already perceive Europe, North America, Asia, The Middle East and South America.

This stupid little sports tournament is not of an age, but for all time.
And it does not just represent a country, it represents a continent.

This may be a soccer tournament, but it is about something else. While I am not a religious man, I pray with every fiber of my being that this event teaches each of us about the other in a peaceful way.

And given my tiny experience in Africa, I am confident that this tournament will.

Now lets go Ghana!