I replied that myself and others like me, do indeed pay our fair share of taxes through the payment of our rent, which includes a portion of the property tax that landlords are billed.
I also implied that it doesen't matter who gets elected mayor, because it is just one vote on city council, and all efforts to turn this dubious struggle into some fight for freedom from people who own $700,000 homes were nefarious.
I was then met with a lecture about parliamentary democracy from the head landowner, who despite his supposed interest in all matters civic failed to see that municipal governance in no way resembles parliamentary democracy.
But hey, I'm just a dumb serf living on land that belongs to another, and thats OK.
The thing that really brings annoyance is powerless douchebags who think that their political opinion matters in the least.
Is my hand on the button? No. Is yours? No.
So shut the fuck up, no one cares about your mindless opinion over matters that you have no say in. Your fake intellectualism is wasting my time and yours.
Save it for your pointless dinner parties with your like minded friends, where you can all agree that everything is an outrage and the government sucks and you can arrange your seating cards to perfect your useless circle jerk and agree how very difficult it is to make your sportute, cellphone and mortgage payments and that living in this country is so very very trying.
But let me ask you this...Has anyone among the supposedly aggrieved ever thought to get off their fat spoiled asses to take a risk and put their own name on a ballot in any election?
Didn't think so, but I did. Its called democracy folks, and it requires more than kvetching over a glass of shiraz.
Me 1 Chattering Classes 0
Why don't you shut up or stand up? Because as it is now your absurd excretions are a great tempest, signifying nothing. You're investing in an illusion that you live in a democracy, and frankly that investment is a losing proposition, unless you invest in participating in a real way.