The latest example of standing on a whale and fishing for minnows comes to us from the good folks at The Peel Regional Health Board. These folks have decided that smoking should be banned in peoples homes because of leakage through electrical outlets, among other things.
The report fails to address constitutional rights granted to Canadians under The Charter of Rights And Freedoms, but these are mere trifles to the do gooding fist shakers that care so much about me that they want to protect me from myself. The Board is not the least bit concerned with coal fired power plants, or the fact that the vehicle they drove to the meeting poisoned the atmosphere more than every cigarette that I will ever smoke during my tragically cut short lifetime.
But out of respect for your pointless crusade, and in the interest of asking you to live by your principles, can I put forth my omnibus bill banning french fries and automobiles in the Peel Region on the agenda for your next meeting? After all both of these things are bad, and the fact that people use them affects my health and costs me money.
I never thought that I would be quoting an NRA guy, but you'll take my smoke out of my cold, (and all too soon) dead hand.