The lights are dim and I take a moment to reflect on my day and my life. I have spent so much time in this joint that it wears on me like an old pair of jeans.
The faces of the day rush through my mind. I think of all the people I dealt with today and how they were all so wonderful.
For a brief second I flash on a moment in the afternoon, and I remember looking into a friends eyes and letting the beautiful reflection in her green/turquoise gaze flash through, her spirit alive in that moment washing over me.
My mind passes through all the people that I work with as I am enveloped by the stillness of the darkened bar. I grin wistfully, keenly aware of the daily blessings that rain upon me.
I down my pint, set the alarm, lock up, and head home into the chilly urban evening. I smile to myself knowing that life could only be a little bit better, but it could be so much worse.