Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Google Streetview

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This is where we walked
This is where we swam
Take a picture here
Take a souvenir


Welcome to Google Streetview! 360 degree photos of our country. It was introduced for several locations across Canada today, so I looked up two of the houses that I grew up in.

(cue Wonder Years theme)

I spent a lot of time in this cul de sac, playing hide and seek and road hockey

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Hard to see the house behind the foliage, but an awesome place to grow up.

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We moved across town to this house when I was in grade six. The odd thing about this house was that it had parking up the ying yang for a house its size. It was located on a corner. To the far right was a carport and driveway that could squeeze five or six vehicles from the sidestreet. To the far left was a two car garage with a second driveway.

A four bedroom house that could easily park ten vehicles? Whoever designed this house must have owned a lot of Chrysler stock!

Google Streetview, has also raised privacy concerns, but I don't think that this neighbourhood fixture will mind.
Glue Guy