I was having a cigarette outside the bar that I work at. Of course, I was forced to do this by law, because "society" collectively decided that I should not be allowed to smoke indoors, because of the air quality issues that it creates for others, and I can respect the merit of that decision.
Ghana taught me a lot about people treating each other with respect, and I was filled with that sense of respect as I flicked a cigarette into the drain. A passerby chastised me for doing so.In fact, he did not merely chastise me, he berated me.
In my Ghana/Zen state, I was too astonished to respond. I guess being away had made me forget how judgmental we had become and here it was smacking me in the face.
The guy was right. I should not throw my cigarette butts just anywhere. If it was a coke bottle or plastic bag that I was throwing onto the public domain people would be outraged. Why should a cigarette butt be any different?
I understand this concept of respecting others right to exist in decent conditions. The thing I don't get is why are people allowed to pollute the environment as a matter of course because they own a car? One ride to the corner store equals all the smoke and butts that I will produce in a lifetime.
These are the thoughts that went through my mind as I watched this angry little man get into his sport ute parked across the street.
Just because I can't smell the shit you're spewing does not mean that you're not spewing it, but apparently the agreed reality is that smoking is bad, but buying a new vehicle every two years is good. Screw the planet, its my right to consume whatever I can afford.
Personally, I think y'all can put a fork in us, we're done. The intractability of our own habits will gleefully allow us to condemn our children in the name of our own selfishness.
The little man was right to yell at me, though. I shouldn't be throwing cigarette butts into sewers, or anywhere else. The sad thing is that his anger is a reaction to a game that has already been played by a mentality that is so far behind the curve that it fails to see the fact that the game is over and the only question remaining is how long can we cling to our illusions before they destroy us?
So I am no longer throwing my cigarette butts into the street or sewer. However, I have the distinct feeling that this might not be enough to turn the planet around.
I love kids, but I'm kind of glad I don't have any. I really don't want to witness them facing the consequences of our actions. I say consume away, the sooner we can end human existence, the better off the planet will be.
And we all love the planet, don't we? Almost (but not quite enough to make a difference) as much as we love ourselves.