Over the past 10 months I have embarked on two journey's. One to Asia and one to Africa. The period prior to, during, and after these trips I noticed a compelling and instinctive pattern among all of us to be afraid of venturing into the unknown.
I am no expert traveler, and I will never have a show on the Discovery Network. I am nothing more than a wide eyed rookie traveler venturing forth.
One thing I have noticed is that we humans seem to be hard wired to not travel. On my first trip to Ghana, many people warned me about the potential perils. Others looked at me as if I was going to the moon. This persisted during my trip to Asia.
Admittedly, I was scared when I went to Ghana, but I also took a leap of faith that my fellow human beings are as decent as you and I. This was a big mistake, as I actually learned that my fellow human beings are at the very least, as decent as you and I, and in most cases, far better.
The world is not scary. While I do not recommend traveling to Iraq or Somalia at this time, most of the world is filled with fellow human beings who are just trying to get by. Just like you and me, they want to live in peace and harmony, take care of their family, and live with the hope that the kids will have more opportunities than they did.
I guess what I am trying to say is, that for the most part, everyone else is like you and me. Do not be afraid to travel! It is a beautiful and friendly world out there!
The world is overwhelmed by decent people, though I think William Shakespeare said it best regarding overcoming travel fear.
It is a big beautiful world out there and there is nothing to fear, except maybe, fear itself.
- Be not afraid, the isle is full of noises,
- Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
- Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments
- Will hum about mine ears, and sometimes voices,
- That if I then had waked after long sleep,
- Would make me sleep again; and then in dreaming,
- The clouds methought would open, and show riches
- Ready to drop upon me: when I wak'd
- I cried to dream again.