I gave up in the race to "be somebody", which was a good idea, because I wasn't doing very well in that competition and decided that I needed to throw out a lot of the stuff in my head.
I realised that my dreams were more connected to things I wanted to do, rather than things I wanted to have. Make no mistake , having nice things is enjoyable. I have many nice things that I enjoy, but the having or not having of these things has no bearing on my happiness.
The things I own bring me enjoyment, but they do not bring me happiness. However, we live in a consumer culture that exerts relentless pressure on us to confuse the two. Enjoyment is not happiness, and it never will be, no matter what Madison Avenue says.
I enjoy traveling, but the trip itself cannot bring me happiness. It can bring me enjoyment. Happiness only follows from learning the lesson that the journey is trying to teach you. And at any given time, most of us have many different journey's on the go, whether we see them or not.
Its like the difference between trying to "be somebody" and choosing to become who you are.
We are all constantly growing into ourselves, whether we like it or not.