Tuesday, June 23, 2009


It has been a rough couple of days. While it would be easy to say that I am tired from working two jobs, one that starts at 9:45 am and one that ends at 3:oo am. I gorge on sleep when I can and think in terms of "naps" when I can't

Right now, I am working hard to pay for the next trip and the next project. The thing that made the last couple of days rough for me was that it was my first Fathers Day without my Dad. While we lived far apart for a long time I would always call my Old Man on this day.

We would talk about football, I would always ask him about his health and he would always lie and say he was fine and then I would tell him I love him. I miss my Dad, but the sad inevibility of life is that your parents will die before you do, if you're lucky. If you're unlucky, they don't.

I miss you Dad, and I like the Packers this year.